Gezi Park Occupation Liveblog: Everything You Wanted to Know About the Turkish Spring
Gezi Park Occupation Liveblog: Everything You Wanted to Know About the Turkish Spring
Mashallah News is maintaining an amazing liveblog tracking the ongoing, momentous events in Turkey – complete with livestreams, twitter feeds, original news, must-reads from around the Web, and lists of Turkish citizen journos’ twitter handles.
[Photo: A street in Istanbul is overflowing with Turkish protesters. The protesters outnumber the police, who are on the opposite side of the street in riot gear.]
For those whose thirst for news from the Turkish uprising knows no bounds, this liveblog is for you.
UPDATE (June 3, 12:32 AM):
We have a new piece written by one of the Gezi Park occupiers, Lara Fresko:
“This morning the city seemed quiet and rain was falling as if to clean the trees of tear-gas. What seems most hopeful is that such a mobilization was triggered by a will to protect Gezi Parkı. People from all walks of life came to support each other against police brutality and violence. This solidarity in the face of police violence symbolized the materialization of a discontent against neoliberalism and those guarding it. The chants heard during previous nights were filled with rage against the police, the current government and especially the prime minister. They communicated outrage against growing inequality, consuming, painful urban transformation and a total disregard for democratic values of participation.”