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Alexander Abbasi

Alex is a Palestine solidarity activist who dreams of a map without borders.
Alex is a Palestine solidarity activist and Masters student at Harvard Divinity School. He dreams of a map without borders. A history that unshadows the underside. And a place where people find themselves through community, seeking to create more socially justice worlds. As the poet Mahmoud Darwish once said, “I am the Adam of two Edens, lost to me twice, expel me slowly, kill me slowly, with Garcia Lorca, under my olive tree.”

My Stories

Palestine Across the Globe: Transnational Mobilization for Gaza and BDS

Alexander Abbasi on July 25, 2014

Palestinians teach life. Indeed, we do. The Palestinian poet Rafeef Ziadeh famously wrote the poem “We Teach Life, Sir” to demonstrate what it means for an occupied peoples to live under a system which superiorizes one human population over another....